Thursday, November 8, 2012
Moving on....and on
We have not written in a long time. Months have gone by and a lot has happened. We want to move on and look towards God in hope. We don't want to retrace the hard steps we have had to go through. Life is hard. We realized that we should be on our knees daily asking for guidance from God and not trying to control our lives, or let the words of others control our lives.
This summer we decided to proceed with testing to see if there would be any possibilities for surgery for me to benefit our future. After days of testing and a month of waiting we were told by a woman we have only seen 3 other times that there is nothing they can do now, or maybe ever. She proceeded to give her opinion on how she foresaw my life and my future, and it was horrible. She had just gone to an ethics seminar and felt that as a doctor she should give all information, even if not great or factual. I don't need to go into details becuase it does not matter.
Her words haunt me. Not becuase they are true or factual, but because they are all I have heard recently. They have stripped me of my trust in God. They cause me unneeded stress and nightmares. I know she meant well, but she was only going off what she has seen in her 3-4 years of practice. I have to go back to God. Her words have no value or truth for me becuase God writes my story and not her. There was no factual information that she gave me that would even cause me to need to worry. Why do we let others control us with their words?
I have thought many times about writing her a letter, but I don't need revenge, and I don't need to prove anything. I really just want her to know that her words were harmful.
We want to move on. We want the life back that we had before any of this ever happened. We want to trust God again and be seeking Him daily. November is a bit of a tough month since our baby was meant to be born on November 17th. We want to move on in the hope of having a child some day. We wish we had the money for surrogacy. We wish we were in a stable place to start the adoption process. But we are not there yet and we need to enjoy this next year that is full of a few moves and a lot of adventure.
Writing is very healing for me. I have been doing it my whole life. I am hoping that through writing I will find true healing. I love the verse of the day above. It is so simple, but yet I forget to do it all the time.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Learning To Move On
She takes the blame
She covers the shame
Removes the stain
It could be her name
She carries a pearl
In perfect condition
What once was hurt
What once was friction
What left a mark
No longer stings
Because grace makes beauty
Out of ugly things
Grace finds beauty
In everything
Grace finds goodness
In everything
It has been a while since we posted anything. One becuase it has been very difficult, and two because there are not words to speak what we truly went through. Last Thursday was more painful physically and emotionally than we ever imagined. We found peace with our decision and really felt like God was confirming our decision, but that never meant we were not going to feel the sting and weight of it. The days that followed we felt a lot of shame, a lot of sorrow, and a lot of sadness in what we had to do. The hardest part was the spiritual attacks that followed. They were in our thoughts and were in our dreams. One night we played Scrabble and half way in the game I just felt really sad. I started to tell Matt how ashamed I was and we just sat and felt the pain again. That night I kept having nightmares of playing Scrabble and the words Abortion and Termination kept going on the board over and over. I was haunted by those words. I hate those words. I hate what they mean.
But something really amazing has come out of all of this. Not only are we stronger in our marriage, and so much closer to God than we ever have been, but we also have experience true Grace and really understand the meaning. I took a couple of verses from the song Grace by U2 that have really spoke to us. This song was playing in our car as we left the hospital last Thursday. The only thing that has gotten us through the pain is the grace of God. We have had grace when we read the Bible, when friends come visit us, when we receive amazing emails and phone calls, when friends bring us food, when family support us with gifts and trips, when people have sent us verses, songs and poems to reflect on, when we have felt so much love and support through all of this, and absolutely no judgement. We understand what Jesus felt on the cross and what He truly bore for us. He carried this weight and He wants us to find freedom and victory that He promised to us.
So each day we move on. Each day we remember our baby that is now with Jesus. We also look forward to what will come of this and what God has planned for our future. We know however it is right for us, we will have a family some day. We hope to keep this blog going to share our lives with you, and one day open it up to those who do not know what we went through. Thank you again for all your love and support!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Let Your Mercies Fall From Heaven
It's our confession Lord, that we are weak
So very weak, but You are strong
And though we've nothing Lord, to lay at your feet
We come to Your feet and say, Help us along.
A broken heart and a contrite spirit You have yet to deny
Your heart of mercy beats with love's strong current
Let the river flow by your Spirit now, Lord we cry
Let Your mercies fall from heaven
Sweet mercies flow from heaven
New mercies for today
Shower them down Lord as we pray
Let Your mercies fall from heaven
Sweet mercies flow from heaven
New mercies for today
Shower them down Lord as we pray
We are so weak right now, but The Lord's strength is all that get's us through. We are on our knees every day asking the Lord to guide us, to give us strength and comfort, to make this easier on us. I don't think there is anyway we would be able to be at work without His strength. The Holy Spirit is living in us and guiding us every day. We cannot deny that. I have this image of The Lord's mercies falling from heaven. I have this image that myself and Matt are on a rock in the middle of a raging ocean and the rock is all there is to keep us from drowning. It is sunny and warm and we are just standing there with our arms lifted to the sky praising Jesus for keeping us on His solid rock.
My Cardiologist emailed me today and said she was impressed by my strength. It is not my strength. It is not our strength. We do not have strength. The only strength we have to even wake up each day is from Jesus and no one else. This is the most painful thing we have ever faced. This is the one thing that we do not want anyone we know to ever have to go through. We cannot sit here and ask God why He is allowing this because we truly recognize what an awful, fallen world we live in, and in this world there will be great pain and we will have broken bodies.
But we know that one day we will meet Jesus and have no more pain and meet our baby. We felt that in the resurrection weekend that Jesus truly bore our pain, he endured our burden, and he carried this for us. We also know that He rose again with great victory and that no matter what happens, no matter what we decide, He has won the battle for us. We have seen some amazing things come out of this, whether it is recognized by others or not. We have seen people in our lives come closer to God, we have seen people pray that don't, we have seen people seek God that did not before. And we have never been so close to God before.
So with that we endure and we are grateful.
Just a Copy of that One Tough Update
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Alli's perspective: I couldn't have asked for a more compassionate, caring, sympathetic Cardiologist to be truly honest with us about this pregnancy and the "medical risks" it includes. I am able to think more clearly today than I could last night. Last night was too difficult for words and I couldn't think or sleep.
The medical reality was given to us. For a fetus to develop doctors look for at the least 92% oxygen saturation. If it goes below that, even by 1% they get very concerned. I can give only 80%. That is all my body offers. Nothing aside from God can be done to increase my saturation. She said she has never heard of a fetus able to survive on that low of oxygen. She said chances are I will not make it through the first trimester. Maybe at the most 20 weeks. If I do make it past that then we will have to talk because I could become very sick. But she wasn't wanting to discuss that now.
I could tell this was so hard for her to tell us. She spent an hour and a half with us after her normal hours asking us how we are feeling. She wanted us to know the reality, but still be able to somehow walk out of there, not give up, still have hope, and enjoy the pregnancy. She knew that would be hard. She let me cry, she let us just talk it out. We told her that we know we are not in control and if God wants this baby to survive then it will. She agreed, which was pretty cool. She said she was going to make some calls after we left and get me into an obgyn next week. She said she will treat us like any other patient and get us the best care and support us through this.
My heart is sad. My mind cannot grasp this, but I am not giving up. God made a virgin women pregnant, a barren woman pregnant, and can do that today. I am going to try my hardest to lay this down at the feet of Jesus every day and trust him. I need strength to not get distracted, hopeless and depressed. I need hope, and grace. I need you to understand how hard this news already is and how crucial it is that no one else knows about this. I couldn't handle that right now. Your prayers are needed daily.
Matt's perspective: Obviously we're a little devastated by this news. It wasn't what we were wanting to hear, but I think we also both knew it was likely news. The past 2 weeks or so have been quite amazing and a blissful blessing. We've been enjoying this pregnancy for what it is without a cloud above us; it has been great and I'm thankful for that. It is difficult to stay positive given the circumstance, but I am still approaching this one day at a time.
I told Alli yesterday, I will not grieve for our living child. This is still a happy time for us and we're approaching it that way. I still pray daily for our baby just as I have been before this news. Yes I'm sad and greatly concerned, but I'm trusting in God. We're still preparing, we're still expecting.
Friday, March 30, 2012
When I became a Christian I never knew what it meant to have a life verse. At first it made no sense to me and then I started to envy those that had one. The meaning became more evident and real to me and I wanted that. I remember searching for a verse and praying to get one. But God didn't just give one to me in that moment. He waited and let me see it for myself. He planted it everywhere. It was in cards that people would send me, it was in sermons I would hear, and it even was on a sign at a job interview I went on. It is a very simple verse. It is straight to the point, but has more significant and in depth meaning and understanding than a lot of more complex verses.
This is my life verse. I have been asking myself for years what it means to trust the Lord with ALL of my heart. ALL of my heart. That is every part of me. That is everything that I put my trust into that is now toward the Lord. Can I really do that? I have thought about it and I can truly say that I trust practical things. I trust the chair I sit in, I trust the vitamins I take to protect and help me and the baby, I trust the books I read to make sure I am doing everything right. But at the end of the day these are all things that can change in second, go away very quickly, and won't be there forever. God is constant, never changing, and will never leave our side. How much greater is it to trust in Him?
Today I trust in Him with my Cardio appointment. This is just step one to see what I am currently able to provide to the baby based on what is going on with my heart, my oxygen supply, and how hard my body is working. I cannot say I am not nervous. I am always nervous going to the Cardiologist, even though they have always been some of my absolute favorite doctor's. They seem to have power over me. Now it seems even more real becuase now they have the ability to tell me what I am contributing to the life in me.
So yes I can be nervous, but if I am asking the one true God, the Creator of the Earth, to protect and develop this baby with all that I cannot offer him or her, then how can I not go into this trusting. Matt wrote on the last post that no matter what, the doctor will say what they need to say to be realistic in their sight and always to protect themselves. Not that I am expecting the doctor to say anything negative, but if she does, she is not God. She is not the one who will ultimately give life to our baby. Yes I need to listed to her for advice, suggestions and guidance, but I cannot let her have this power over me that brings me anxiety. It is not worth it. So we go forth to this appointment. We hope this is one of many and the one that leads us to hear our baby's heart beat.
Please pray for wisdom over the echo technician and the doctor. Please pray for peace for us. Please pray that we can truly trust in God with all of our hearts.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
About two weeks ago that little inconspicuous plus sign appeared. The result of the home pregnancy test were astonishingly fast. Within ten seconds of the two minute window our lives took an unexpected but truly welcomed turn. I do believe we've entered Phase II of our marriage.
There is quite the range of thought moving through my head these days - health of the baby foremost. As Alli has wonderfully shown in these early posts, it's not up to me nor is it up to her. Sure we can and do whatever we can to help the baby with prenatal vitamins and the proper diet, but because of our situation it comes down to a lot of faith in God.
Now I know that God never told me or Alli that if we were good and faithful Christians that life would be wonderful and without toil. We live in a sad and fallen world in which awful sadness is seen. But I gather strength in daily prayer with God for our child. I gather strength from our families as well who pray for us. I trust God to carry us through.
This is truly a time to be happy, and I will concentrate on the joy it brings.
We have a doctor appointment tomorrow. Perhaps we can give some more concrete news of the inner happenings of this kid then. In the meantime I'm going to research on which Cubs shirt would look best on an infant. :)
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
The other night when Matt was praying over the baby he was praying through this verse. I had forgotten about this verse. I remember in college when we were studying for Bible classes, or even if we just liked a verse, or wanted to encourage each other, we would put notes with verses on the mirror, door or wall for each other. My one roommate had this verse up for a long time and it kind of hit me personally. I was a miracle in itself, being born with a congenital heart disease, going through a few surgeries, and even battling a life threatening staff infection in the 6th grade. It is only through the fact that God knit me that I am alive. That He knows me inside and out, every inch of me and knew all these things before they happened.
Our baby is being knit, so intricately, so perfectly, so wonderfully inside of me. That is so far beyond my understanding. The crazy part is I can feel it. Pregnancy is sure an unexpected array of symptoms and feelings, and I have to admit, it is very hard for them not to worry me when I feel them. I have books, magazines, and prayer. Just to be very blunt, one of the not so wonderful symptoms is a plethora of stomach/ intestinal issues. I won't go into detail here. Already dealing with years of stomach issues and finally changing my diet enough that they were subsiding, it was a wonder that I felt them yet again. Due to all of this I keep getting a sort of slight pain/cramp on my ride side it the upper abdominal area. It doesn't last more than a few seconds and is not continuous. It also has no other symptoms with it. I know what it is and so does Matt, but my mind wants to tell me different. I also have read that things like this will occur, and not to worry unless it worsens, doesn't go away, or is accompanied by other serious issues. Hey and I now have a baby that is going to start pushing against me. I am sure this is only the beginning! But I still worry. It is s hard not to. I want to do whatever I can to protect this baby, but I realize that all I can do is stay healthy and do what I am told. The rest is completely in God's hands.
So I would love some prayer for this discomfort to subside and for me to start getting to know my body and the ways it is changing and shifting to bring new life. We would also love prayer for our time away from each other. Now that we have a big change in our life that controls our every thought, it makes it harder to be away. It makes it hard for me to be alone.
Thank you for reading. Love to you all!