Friday, March 30, 2012

Trusting the Lord - Cardio Appointment Day

 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart  and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."  - Proverbs 3:5-6

When I became a Christian I never knew what it meant to have a life verse. At first it made no sense to me and then I started to envy those that had one. The meaning became more evident and real to me and I wanted that. I remember searching for a verse and praying to get one. But God didn't just give one to me in that moment. He waited and let me see it for myself. He planted it everywhere. It was in cards that people would send me, it was in sermons I would hear, and it even was on a sign at a job interview I went on. It is a very simple verse. It is straight to the point, but has more significant and in depth meaning and understanding than a lot of more complex verses. 

This is my life verse. I have been asking myself for years what it means to trust the Lord with ALL of my heart. ALL of my heart. That is every part of me. That is everything that I put my trust into that is now toward the Lord. Can I really do that? I have thought about it and I can truly say that I trust practical things. I trust the chair I sit in, I trust the vitamins I take to protect and help me and the baby, I trust the books I read to make sure I am doing everything right. But at the end of the day these are all things that can change in second, go away very quickly, and won't be there forever. God is constant, never changing, and will never leave our side. How much greater is it to trust in Him? 

Today I trust in Him with my Cardio appointment. This is just step one to see what I am currently able to provide to the baby based on what is going on with my heart, my oxygen supply, and how hard my body is working.  I cannot say I am not nervous. I am always nervous going to the Cardiologist, even though they have always been some of my absolute favorite doctor's. They seem to have power over me. Now it seems even more real becuase now they have the ability to tell me what I am contributing to the life in me. 

So yes I can be nervous, but if I am asking the one true God, the Creator of the Earth, to protect and develop this baby with all that I cannot offer him or her, then how can I not go into this trusting. Matt wrote on the last post that no matter what, the doctor will say what they need to say to be realistic in their sight and always to protect themselves. Not that I am expecting the doctor to say anything negative, but if she does, she is not God. She is not the one who will ultimately give life to our baby. Yes I need to listed to her for advice, suggestions and guidance, but I cannot let her have this power over me that brings me anxiety. It is not worth it. So we go forth to this appointment. We hope this is one of many and the one that leads us to hear our baby's heart beat.

Please pray for wisdom over the echo technician and the doctor. Please pray for peace for us. Please pray that we can truly trust in God with all of our hearts.

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